<초등 도서 추천> 우리 명절 우리 놀이 – 탄탄 우리 옛이야기

*I’m posting books that I want to recommend after reading children’s books. I hope it helps you ^^There are various games on Lunar New Year. It will be a fun time to watch with children and find out what other games were played besides yutnori on Lunar New Year’s Day.Today’s book is the 35th <Our Old Story>, <Our Holiday Our Play>, published by Yeowon Media.In Dano, there was also a custom of washing your hair in Changpo water and running on a swing. At the entrance of the village, there was a swing woven with a strong string in a large tree, and there were many children who played there. In rural villages where there is no separate playground like now, trees, fields, paddy fields, fields, and mountains behind the mountain were all playgrounds for children.Hello! It’s a good relationship I’m meeting again today.In addition, it introduces Korea’s own holidays, such as Baekjung Day and Hangawi, and plays and customs on that day. It was also a book “Our Holiday Our Play”, which introduces various games that children played and played in detail. I hope it will be a useful time to examine and find out about our traditional culture, customs, and costumes that we learn in the lower grades of elementary school through “Our Clothes worn with Love” and today’s story “Our Holiday Our Play”, which were introduced in the previous post.Today, I will introduce the 35th story of our old story series, “Our Holiday Our Play”, following yesterday.Our Holiday Our Play Kim Kyung-hwa Writing / Choi Min-ju / Oh Seung-min Painting / Yeo One MediaTantan Our Old Story Author’s Editorial Department Publishing Yeowon Media Release 2011.08.14.

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